Sunday, June 22, 2008


Stop being so goddamn sensitive you ol’ sensitive-ass-bitch-lame-ass dudes!

Or perhaps we’ve all become to cold hearted? Over the last several weeks I’ve been tossing thoughts around in my head. The first is about “LAMES”, basically I’ve noticed that everyone is a “LAME” or at least that’s what I’m calling them the moment I see them, and not until recently did I notice how outrageous my “LAME” spotting were becoming. So I decided to try and figure out what makes a person a “LAME”. The other thought I was troubled with came as a result to trying to figure out how to truly determine if a person was in fact a “LAME” or not, and that is are people too sensitive? The connection was made when I stood up for a person who was being ousted for being a “LAME”, and I knew I wasn’t sensitive and then it struck me perhaps people have not become more sensitive instead people have become cold hearted. The follow will hopefully give you better insight and hopefully make the world a little better.
First lets discuss “LAMES” a lame is in current context someone who is an uncool person, wears uncool clothes, has an uncool attitude, or I simply feel that that person is uncool making them in fact a “LAME”. The dictionaries defines a “LAME” as a dysfunctional limb, or attribute that hinders or puts a person at a disadvantage, such as a lame arm or leg, a cripple would be “LAME” by dictionary terms.
This leaves me to believe that People started calling other People “LAMES” as to refer to what ever uncool quality they inhabited as crippling in their social life. My previous thoughts on “LAMES” were that you were lame if you didn’t rock fly shit, then realized you can rock shit that’s not name brand and still be cool. Then I started to think that people were lame if they rocked the fly shit but only because they saw a cool person rocking it,
then I had to change that after realizing that at some point I didn’t know about the fly shit and thought I was wearing fly shit, and then I adopted my new and current philosophy on “LAMES” which is what I will introduce to you now as I will attempt to break down what constitutes someone as being a “LAME”. I believe there is only 3 ways in which a person can be a “LAME” the first way-A lame can only be lame if he/she is friendless. I say this because if a person has friends then they have accepted that person and if you are accepted then your friends would not consider you lame, and if they do then they are really not your friends. If you have friends and someone thinks your lame but your friends accept you then you are now just stuck with opposing opinions and no one will ever be right. Now if you have no friends and people call you lame you would have no one besides your own self to argue for why you are not lame, and I’ll explain in my third explanation on why this does not prove that you are not lame. The second way a person can be lame is if society gets together and votes on what is lame and what is not lame. If you think about it this is they way it has always worked, society gets together (not literally like a town meeting, but sort of just unconsciously) and decides what is cool and what’s not, but never has a criteria been set out to decide whether a person is lame or not, I point to style as proof, the fact that there are different styles is proof that society has yet to decide what is lame or not. Lastly, you can only be lame if you openly admit you are lame, this goes back to the first one where if someone had no friends chances are this would be the only way to recognize you are lame, and if a person can recognize they are lame then they can correct the problem. This goes back to the dumb theory I discovered a few years back. A dumb person will not admit to being dumb and neither will a lame person, but if a person can recognize they are dumb then they can correct it, well if they are not handicapped, anything light of that a person, if properly educated can be at least at an average level IQ.
Now with all this said, what is a “LAME”?

Well it all basically boils down to this a “LAME” is all in matter of opinion, great right I could of saved you all time by writing that in the title, well it’s a little deeper than that. It works like this everyone has a style,

and yes saying “I don’t have a style” is a style just as not having an opinion is an opinion. And to say ones style is superior to another’s is essentially to say that ones opinion is superior to another’s, which as we all should know is not the case. And if agreed that everyone has a style and everyone has an opinion and that no ones opinion can be wrong then to say someone’s style is lesser than you acknowledge that your style can be lesser.

Now how does this play into being sensitive well let me try and make the connection. You see when you tell some one that they are lame and that person takes offense you hear people say things like “bitch, quit being so goddamn sensitive! Bitch!” or something to the effect, or even when someone is just joking and you get offended people like to think that the person who is offended is sensitive, where I believe the opposite, not saying a person can’t be to sensitive, but for the most part I think we as people have just become to mean. We like to tell people exactly how we feel and say that we don’t care what others think, so why do we think people care what we think? There seems to be a lot of not making sense going on in this world with double standards, don’t worry I’ll stick to the context of the before said, and we seem to think that we have a right to say whatever we damn well please and at the same time that we can’t be told anything about ourselves. So the next time your out in a mall, or any public place really, and you look over after hearing a noise or maybe some person is chatting away on their Cell and you hear the entire conversation, before we judge that person and categorize them as “LAME” lets refrain and asses the situation, does said person have friends (if on phone obviously someone will talk to him) and if you deiced that you want to call him/her a “LAME” well fine but if you must confront this so called “LAME” lets respect people and maybe say it in a manner that is not negative or overtly rude, remember how to give positive criticism.



dawkins.david said...

this is good, we had this convo but i still feel that i have a 6th sense about lames and i just constitute it as people ignorant to ideals related to life and your choice of music/clothing can express to me how enlightened you are on such matters...

besides i call myself lame all the time..or rather anti-cool due to the fact that i dont drink, smoke, go to the clubs, or other acts of coonery but i do not wish to correct myself..i just want to be purposely "LAME"...

ZuLou said...

^well, the thing about that is, you can't be lame because other people don't think you are lame. saying you don't drink, smoke, or go to clubs doesn't mean you're lame. I know a lot of fly people (well, not that many) who don't engage in those activities either.

But I don't think you can have a 6th sense for lames, because some of the "coolest" people you meet end up being TOO lame within a couple of weeks of befriending them. Sad case scenario, yet true.

eric michael. said...

touchy topic.
i personally think lames are just people who don't be themselves, people who conform to the world.
its that simple for me.