Friday, June 20, 2008


First let me say sorry for not putting pics on this blog, please bare with me!
Now, secondly this playlist is for Megan, a good friend who's Birthday is today, party time haha yes!! So let me start with the party song of the night

Nas- You know my style
this joint is one of the best club bangers in a long time and got slept on like rip van winkle, me and Zu talked bout it yesterday matter-a-fact and the entire streets disciple album got slept on, so wake up!

The Cool Kids- What up man
oh oh oh not enough to say about this track, its the cool kids, its cool, '..i made this beat with my mouth and a bell/ just and f.y.i. i'm f l y/ and for those who can't spell i'm a pretty swell guy..' just dope

Kids in the Hall- ft Bun B, Pusha T, and the Cool Kids Driving Down The Block
........anything i say could only down play how sick this track is, and if you don't know the Kids in the Hall its ok, cus now you do!!

Fatboy Slim- Talking About My Baby
Look the song has the line

ooooh, she's got on a purple afro wig
She got a hand on her hip,
lettin' her back bone slip
battin her eye, battin her eye

how could this not be the best song to ever play???

So sorry this is so short once again but I gotta get my Fafsa done, get at my friends of the city, SPACE MONKEY TAPE DECK!!!, and then get ready for Megan's Party, you the shit Megan!!
oh and Chazz0 (see what i did gave you a shout out and no one but you knows it haha) hope to see you there tonight and if anything see you in your lil bikini (ear to ear grin) Peace and love.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Today is hot, humid, and still early. So today the Playlist will reflect how my days been, starting off slow and lazy then picking up pace, which brings me to the now where I'm feeling ok and ready for some sleep, Enjoy! Bob Marley- Three Little Birds this song is always a great listen, not just when your inhaling vegetation, speaking of which what have I not done today, damn I guess it's for the better.

Sia- Academia
I just love this song and it sounds how I felt this morning slow and un-energized.

Cannibal Ox- Album The Cold Vein this is one of my favorite all time albums, its dark, deep, intelligent and sadly the only album the group produced. It gained wide acclaim and was compared to the WU-Tang's 36 Chambers. I've turned alot of friends on to this album and its worth a listen.

Lastly I want to toss out a song that encompasses my day completely, enjoy! Peaches-fuck the pain away

Where I'm at.....

Limbo is a hypothetical afterlife condition of those who die in original sin without being assigned to the Hell of the damned. That being said, I think this is where I currently reside, its not so bad I guess
but then again it aint great. Today I been running around between work, cleaning up the streets in Zu City, and trying to find out if I am or am not suspended. This on top of the fact I've yet to get a good rest since my 22 hour drive back from V.A. The trip was cool, and some hood spots I seen was Petersburg, I know the name sound about as tough as Milhouse
but best believe I only want to spend as much time as it takes to drive through, so to anyone from Petersburg Virginia I recognize the real. The drive besides that was pretty uneventful alot of laughing at nothing and money being spent on energy drinks, and lottery tickets (I broke even, I think)but I got to spend time with family that I don't get to see much of which sucks, but when we do visit it makes me really appreciate that time even more. Other than neglecting the blog, and not recording any SPACE MONKEY TAPE DECK songs, oh yes you haven't heard haha oh shit, Zulou that's all you my friend. Soon, and I do mean soon me and Zulou will being putting up some tracks from our collective, yes collective not group cus we are individuals who collectively choose to work together with others outside of just us two and the collective is referred to as SPACE MONKEY TAPE DECK. We know the name sounds funny but trust we sound FRESHSHSHSHSHSH! So stay tuned for that please. So back to what I was saying, besides neglecting recording and blogging I've also not been reading or writing, but fret not citizens I plan on getting some rest, real good rest because and then I will be ready to Internet-orgasm all over the city, so until my brain work good, protect your neck and spread the love.

oh and one last thing Zu thanks for hooking the city up while I vacationed, its easy then a bitch to navigate.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Today's Playlist

ii am feeliing really blessed today,
wiith the love and support of Friiends
so ii am here to hiit you up wiith
some Epiic love songs.

love raiin
: Jill Scott & Mos Def
tiis the tale of the iintroductiion
of two soul mates.
Jill and Mos are monsters.
please iindulge.

me and my biitch: Notorious BIG
BIG spiittiin about Love?
say iit aiint so!!!!
the Oriigiinal "buss iit baby",
or what have you.
please iindulge.

beautiiful: Daimian Marley & Bobby Brown
bobby brown iis on the hook.
Daimian Marley iis
please iindulge.

show me: John Legend
a Real r&b love song.
remiinds you of Al Green's-lets stay together.
iits Beautiiful.
please iindulge.
the Words are Aliive.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Yo, motherfucers, and fatherfucers (it is fathers day after all)
I been on Hiatus cus i been in the sophisticated souf, Virginia (where them gun's go bang bang).
So first and most for big ups to JOSH my cousin graduating out that V.A. college bond with knowledge now.... stand up stand up... enough of that now. look I'm irritable cus I'm on the fucing road, shits weak, plus i'm horny so that's that too and ain't even seen the blog (I MISS YOU GUYS)WHAT A FAGGG (this blog does not endorse the slander of homosexuals, or anyone for that matter, except of course Kobe Bryant Pull your pants up ya dig) well if it seems I'm on a rambling tirade its cus I is, this is just a check in to let the beautiful citizens of zu york know I'm alive and well as can be, well I'd be better if females would call back (yeah I'm looking at you!!) so before I forget Zu nice poem glad you posted it, and thanks for showing me up ass-hat(copyright right now) and Scatterbrain you my dame good looks on following orders hahaha (I kid cus I love) E-mizzle the dope dizzle dopeness..... Fucing blogs looking nicer than a nice blah blah blah blah so I'll leave on this before I hit the outside for a cigar (nightcap) its a poem I been working on in my head (spoken word, Doing work son).........

I got So much Swag....

I got so much swag my pants have to sag
I got so much swag when I speak I brag,
its my speak and how I walk
my shoes in which I walk
the words in my head the thoughts I have.
I seen a dude in a zebra stripe shirt,
and his belt didn't match cus it was red,
and his shoes was just as bad,
but if it was me I swear I'd look rad, because
every bodies lame but me I swear to god. I swear
too, my swag's like the flu, be it I spit sick
project and adequate amount of style and pimp,
my style is sick, my swag, I hate to brag, but my swag
shit is so ahead of the world, I'm fearing for my future
cus I know its gotta be bright and with global warming
I'm afraid for my sight.....................
ladies love it, dudes ignore
my swag get slept on? Where was you before,
the above was said and mentioned .... man my swag is a portal
to another dimension y'all in disbelief should listen......
over weight and out of shape
but some how chicks can't resist and insist that I taste
so with haste I embrace there lips with a lick
to get em wet before the dip, see i swear to
him above I'm in love
with myself but can you blame me
I mean fuck me
I mean fuck ....see my swag got me wanting to touch me

peaches and apples, love for all...... I'll bee home Monday night Tuesday for certain

"if hip hop is dead ...

... i am the embalming fluid"

according to wikipedia, the end all be all to any argument, embalming fluid is used to preserve deceased (dead) individuals, sometimes only until the funeral, other times indefinitely.

[ZuLou] Lol, I see where you're going with this, Mr. Eric Michael.[/ZuLou]

that's nice to know zu. LOL.

let's say hip hop is dead. oh, you don't think hip hop is dead? ok ok its cool, i don't either, not that my opinion is greater than yours; we were all created, and therefore, are equal. i definitely believe that mainstream hip hop, which is actually a mixture of rap and pop, is somewhere paralyzed, on a couch, watching b.e.t. faithfully, and little wane + whatever drugs he chooses to use, is carrying the torch for the paralympics. the mainstream aspect of hip hop was once, believe it or not, very uplifting and thought provoking! you wouldn't believe this, but that back in the day, hip hop was so pure and great that the "bad" hip hop, the hip hop that was spoken against and unfavored by people that just don't understand the culture, were the likes of n.w.a. and icucube (who started off as THAT dude in n.w.a. until he released one of the greatest diss songs of all time: no vaseline). they were hated on for all of the RIGHT reasons. they were so politically charged, opinionated, well spoken and intelligent, that they instilled FEAR into lots of listeners. i always said, that if malcolm x had rapped, he would have been icucube (one of my favorite emcee's of all time), point blank. n.w.a. took the word, "nigga," and let you know what they thought of the word in a creative, expressive, artistic form. these cats weren't playing, and i guarantee that if hip hop was dead, they wouldn't want to preserve it until the funeral, they would want to resurrect it, "by any means necessary."

*let's say he was trying to be "creative" with the line, ok, but it still makes no sense at all. if someone is willing to just sound good over making actual sense, than that just shows where the state of (mainstream) hip hop is. no over-analyzing here, its not a complex line at all. now that i think of it, i miss the pre-drugged up lil' wayne, that guy was actually nice. little wane shows glimpses of lil' wayne every once and a while with his shooter's and his tie my hand's, but all that garbage "i'm the best rapper alive drugs money sex bitch" talk just reminds me that the original lil' wayne is just a memory.


"it is what it is" - nigga proverb.