Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Where I'm at.....

Limbo is a hypothetical afterlife condition of those who die in original sin without being assigned to the Hell of the damned. That being said, I think this is where I currently reside, its not so bad I guess
but then again it aint great. Today I been running around between work, cleaning up the streets in Zu City, and trying to find out if I am or am not suspended. This on top of the fact I've yet to get a good rest since my 22 hour drive back from V.A. The trip was cool, and some hood spots I seen was Petersburg, I know the name sound about as tough as Milhouse
but best believe I only want to spend as much time as it takes to drive through, so to anyone from Petersburg Virginia I recognize the real. The drive besides that was pretty uneventful alot of laughing at nothing and money being spent on energy drinks, and lottery tickets (I broke even, I think)but I got to spend time with family that I don't get to see much of which sucks, but when we do visit it makes me really appreciate that time even more. Other than neglecting the blog, and not recording any SPACE MONKEY TAPE DECK songs, oh yes you haven't heard haha oh shit, Zulou that's all you my friend. Soon, and I do mean soon me and Zulou will being putting up some tracks from our collective, yes collective not group cus we are individuals who collectively choose to work together with others outside of just us two and the collective is referred to as SPACE MONKEY TAPE DECK. We know the name sounds funny but trust we sound FRESHSHSHSHSHSH! So stay tuned for that please. So back to what I was saying, besides neglecting recording and blogging I've also not been reading or writing, but fret not citizens I plan on getting some rest, real good rest because and then I will be ready to Internet-orgasm all over the city, so until my brain work good, protect your neck and spread the love.

oh and one last thing Zu thanks for hooking the city up while I vacationed, its easy then a bitch to navigate.


Anonymous said...

sleep is good.
my word verification thingy says iatefly.

i wonder if i could find that song about the old lady who swlalowed a fly online....

Paz, Asia Dee

eric michael. said...

i briefly stayed in petersburg VA before moving to TX.
my mother was born and raised there for the most part.
my mother's side is all "DMV."
VA stand up!