Friday, June 6, 2008

Whoop, Whoop, That's the Sound of the Police!

Whoop, Whoop, That's the Sound of the Police!
and for most of us the scariest sound on the planet. If anything this post if for police, or aspiring police officers around the country, no the world. I had an encounter with the police a while back. You know, over some small time "you could be out catching real criminals instead of messing with us" type deal. Well anyways, so the event occurs and I started thinking about the police and the way they handle things. Keeping in mind that a cop has to be alert and ready for anything, literally anything, like seriously if cops get called to a scene and the call is for a robbery in progress and the cops show up and two men are naked with bombs taped to their balls and they have flame throwers for weapons, the cops have to show up and assess the scene and decide how to execute to that specific situation. Now, like I said I'm keeping this in mind, but still I don't get cops thought process. So the words that were exchanged during the cop and ourselves discourse was as follows "What's going on, huh no one wants to talk,....what are you scared?" YES!!! you see I was scared and I always am, and forever will be. The cops always ask, what I think are the dumbest questions by far. Let's look at a scenario that was similar to my own. You and friends are gathered in an apartment room squashing each other on a single bed and a fairly big chair. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK!!!
The banging at the door was so loud everyone looked at each other, and then it continued. Let's examine this first occurring event. When do you hear loud banging on a door and its something positive?? Never, that's when. So now we hear banging at the door followed by what? An announcement, no matter the name we already find ourselves on the defensive. The announcement is "IT'S THE POLICE, OPEN UP!" wait what? Ok, this is whats going on, the person at the door has identified themselves, and after further thinking, yep, you've realized that you don't know the police. Lets say that instead of "...POLICE..." you heard "IT'S JOHN, OPEN UP!!" lets even say we know John, chances are you still don't want to open that door, because judging by his tone you've done something wrong and are about to find out how John plans on righting this wrong. So first off the police should know it's not that people are trying to flush evidence down a toilet or secure a hostage, no instead it's just that we're scared out of our minds for a few seconds causing a delay of door opening. Plus, besides that if you were anyone else doing that to my door I still wouldn't answer. Now the doors finally open and the questioning begins. "WHAT TOOK SO LONG TO OPEN THE DOOR?" so you answer "oh...I was jus.....umm...." yep looks like you're thinking of a lie, well its because you really are! Because we all know the truthful answer would be "I'm fucking scared! You were beating on my door, you know how scary that sounded."and anything else besides this is a full out lie. Lets say you get taken in for further questioning, now is when they have fun with you. The police understand team work, and to be honest, have perfected it better than Stockton and Malone. You are brought to a small room, usually with a table and a chair for you and the officer (even when there are two officers one usually stands) and you are asked a question. Now stop here because that question and that answer have just become a Simon says game that you better prey you can win. You see the answer that you give needs to be remembered and when that question comes around at you again, and it will, you need to make sure you first understand that its the same question, they like to word it different each time, and after you understand that it's the same question you better reply with the exact same answer, you don't get the liberty of saying the same thing and wording it differently, because that's called a lie. And when you lie to the police you go to Jail, and no one wants to go to Jail. So I propose a new way to talk to the police, because hey I realize your job is a little hard and risky and causes you to pretty much be a dick the entire time your working, I get that I really do, but at the same time don't expect me to be able to talk to you as if you didn't have the upper hand in every situation that we could ever possibly encounter each other.

My new suggestion when talking to cops, be 100% HONEST!! Yeah I know you hear honesty is the best policy and for the most part I feel that's a true statement. I'm not saying if a cop stops you for speeding and writes you the ticket and is about to let you go that you should inform him about the bag of cocaine in your shoe, but when he ask you something and you don't answer right away because you are nervous or caught off guard, and you know you have a perfectly valid answer, just start by saying "officer hold on a second cause I'm scared", or say "hold on I need to gather my thoughts I'm nervous". Chances are he will ask you "Why?" you are scared or nervous, don't worry I have a response for this as well. "Because you are the police and if you're not helping me, which you seem to not be doing seeing as how I don't need any help, you are arresting people, and I don't want to be arrested" A cop knows that he/she is a scary sight. what other job can you think of that has employees that scare its own employees, cops that's the only job. So just keep in mind that it's ok to tell the cops you are scared of them, if they don't understand that I promise a jury of your peers will. Oh and cops stop asking questions that you know the answer too, chances are the crackhead was buying crack from the undercover, thats why when the undercover said the magic words "its Christmas day today" that you swarmed and arrested him, so don't ask him what he was talking to the man in the truck for because you know exactley what was said, and if you forget you have the video camera that was hidden in his collar button for you to go back and watch it all unfold before your very eyes.

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