About two weeks ago, I happened to be in the Grizzly Adams neighborhood and decided to stop by. When I got there, the Viking was nowhere to be found, but I knew he'd show up eventually, so I opted to play the bum role. Less than thirty minutes later, his RA (Residential Assistants, for you non-scholars) O.N.E showed up. O.N.E lives in the apartment with Grizz, so he went ahead and let me in, unknowingly thrusting me into what would become a two-hour conversation on the political feud raging between the Playas and Hoes.
Of course, you DO know what I speak of, right? In this world of promiscuity, Playas and Hos are the most turbulent forces in modern sex relations. Whether you're heterosexual or homosexual, black or white, male or female, as long as you're between the ages of 13 and 36 (yes, we're starting that early now), you are affected by these opposing philosophies.
It wasn't until feminism really started popping off that this became a issue; for centuries mankind was convinced that a female's place was behind a male. The only culture that was ever noted for having females lead the community is the Amazon tribe, and who really knows if they ever existed? Its a myth, sitting right up there with Atlantis and the friggin' Loch Ness Monster.
Things aren't like that in this day and age, and thats what had O.N.E's panties in a bunch. Don't get me wrong, he's not a misogynist or anything, and he doesn't believe males are in anyway superior to females. Its just the issue of Playas and Hos that bothers him; no, its the fact that the issue of Playas and Hos has changed views, that bothers him. The main gist of it is this: it is generally understood that when a man knocks down multiple girls, he will undoubtedly be called a Playa. When a woman is knocked down by multiple men, she's a Ho. At least, thats how it used
Casual sex has changed the rules, and this what was up for discussion on this particularly hot Friday. Why is it that the same things that earn a man praise will only serve to degrade a woman? O.N.E thinks a woman should know better than to have casual sex, because doing so will only result in her being called a Ho. At the same time, a man can choose to have casual sex if he likes, without any consequences. Thats how the world is, and thats how it should stay.
Now, I happen to know a number of females who engage in "casual sex." When I say casual sex, I am referring to a man and a woman having sexual intercourse without necessarily trying to pursue a relationship. The possibility of a relationship is always there, of course, but neither party is really thinking about it. I've had my fair share of casual sex, and I personally didn't know what was wrong with a female going out getting hers as well. That doesn't make her a Ho; Hos have a specific mindframe that allows you to identify them. They unknowingly inform you about their Ho status through seemingly random actions such as not giving a fuck if you got a girlfriend, or asking how much money you have if you "look like a foot" (as Jovontique would say).
Not every woman who has casual sex thinks like that. I've had casual sex with a couple of non-Hos in my past, and I'm sure others have as well. So how fair is it to call these girls Hos? Sure they're sleeping with multiple guys, but most of my male friends do the same to girls. If I don't knock THEM for it, why would I be a hypocrite and criticize a girl for doing it? In my eyes thats only fair.
to be.
This unfortunately put me in a difficult position, because then O.N.E concluded that I must be Cpt. Save-A-Ho. Not so, peoples, but either way I was still forced to explain to him my views on what makes a Ho and what doesn't. This blog is long enough as it is, so I'm not going to go too much into detail with that topic. But at the end of the conversation, I was able to convince O.N.E that a woman has every right to have casual sex, as long as males are allowed to, without having to be called a Ho. To think otherwise would be saying that men and women aren't equal, wouldn't it?
One would think so, but the other day Chuck Klosterman slapped some sense into me through means of his book "Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs" which I recommend EVERYBODY should get. Grizz lent it to me, and if you have no idea who Chuck is, fine, because we're in the same boat. All I know is, the man makes a lot of sense, even when I don't agree with what he says. Here's a passage from a chapter in his book, which clearly states the flaw in my mind process:
"For the past twenty-five years, culture has been obsessed with making males and females more alike, and that's fine. Maybe its even enlightened. But what I've noticed - at least among young people - is that this convergence has mostly just prompted females to adopt the worst qualities of men. Its like girls are trying to attain equality by becoming equally shallow and selfish. Whenever I see TV shows like Fox's defunct Ally McBeal or HBO's Sex and the City, I find myself perplexed as to how this is sometimes viewed as an "advancement" for feminism; it seems to imply that its empowering for women to think like all of the stupidest men I know (myself included).
"We've all heard the argument that there is an eternal double standard about promiscuity . . . the consensus is that this double standard is wrong, so - therefore - we should ALL have sex with as many people as possible, regardless of gender. "
In other words, who said that guys being promiscuous is a GOOD thing? Why am I justifying women having casual sex by saying "Well, guys have casual sex all the time and get called Playas, so women should enjoy that, too"? Maybe I got it all wrong. Maybe its us males that need to stop acting like Hos, because thats exactly what we're acting like: a change of title doesn't mean shit when both groups serve the same purpose. Hoes.
I'm no longer saying its okay for a woman to have casual sex, but I won't criticize one for doing so either. What she does is her business, as long as she has self-respect. The fact is, a female's promiscuity can't be justified on the faults of the masculine state of mind. Even if the girl isn't a Ho persay, she doesn't have to do what guys are doing; its like having a "He started it!" argument with a little kid.
As for guys, if you are fucking a bunch of girls for no apparent reason, you're a Ho. You are not cool for doing so just because your friends have led you to believe so. Take heed of the few females who still have an old-fashioned way of thinking, and keep the number of girls you sexually interact with to a minimum. This is not a call for celibacy, its a call for self-control.
One Time For Your Mind
5 of the Most Important Poops in History
1 week ago
I also recently had an epiphany on the word 'ho', i was never prone to use it but i always thought it..
Through some soul searching i found that who knows why women offer themselves up so easily to these 'playas' with these (not-so) hidden agendas. i found that maybe they have been desensitized to the idea of sex through young sex exploits, t.v., or worst case scenario rape.. so calling a woman a whore is judging her and judging is a no-no..
on a lighter note..
like Dres of black sheep said 'ho' is short for 'ho'ney..drop the ney and their you go...
if everyone stuck to the true practices of their religion, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
good blog though.
i agree!
i hate double standards.
Double standards are pretty gay . . . thanks for leaving comments, I'm just now seeing these.
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