Sunday, June 15, 2008

"if hip hop is dead ...

... i am the embalming fluid"

according to wikipedia, the end all be all to any argument, embalming fluid is used to preserve deceased (dead) individuals, sometimes only until the funeral, other times indefinitely.

[ZuLou] Lol, I see where you're going with this, Mr. Eric Michael.[/ZuLou]

that's nice to know zu. LOL.

let's say hip hop is dead. oh, you don't think hip hop is dead? ok ok its cool, i don't either, not that my opinion is greater than yours; we were all created, and therefore, are equal. i definitely believe that mainstream hip hop, which is actually a mixture of rap and pop, is somewhere paralyzed, on a couch, watching b.e.t. faithfully, and little wane + whatever drugs he chooses to use, is carrying the torch for the paralympics. the mainstream aspect of hip hop was once, believe it or not, very uplifting and thought provoking! you wouldn't believe this, but that back in the day, hip hop was so pure and great that the "bad" hip hop, the hip hop that was spoken against and unfavored by people that just don't understand the culture, were the likes of n.w.a. and icucube (who started off as THAT dude in n.w.a. until he released one of the greatest diss songs of all time: no vaseline). they were hated on for all of the RIGHT reasons. they were so politically charged, opinionated, well spoken and intelligent, that they instilled FEAR into lots of listeners. i always said, that if malcolm x had rapped, he would have been icucube (one of my favorite emcee's of all time), point blank. n.w.a. took the word, "nigga," and let you know what they thought of the word in a creative, expressive, artistic form. these cats weren't playing, and i guarantee that if hip hop was dead, they wouldn't want to preserve it until the funeral, they would want to resurrect it, "by any means necessary."

*let's say he was trying to be "creative" with the line, ok, but it still makes no sense at all. if someone is willing to just sound good over making actual sense, than that just shows where the state of (mainstream) hip hop is. no over-analyzing here, its not a complex line at all. now that i think of it, i miss the pre-drugged up lil' wayne, that guy was actually nice. little wane shows glimpses of lil' wayne every once and a while with his shooter's and his tie my hand's, but all that garbage "i'm the best rapper alive drugs money sex bitch" talk just reminds me that the original lil' wayne is just a memory.


"it is what it is" - nigga proverb.

5 comments: said...

if hip hop is dead, I hope Zu's in the casket.

ZuLou said...

Wow, you managed to one-up Lil Wayne on the lameness. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

ichi- i liek the blog.
very nice

ni- im feelin my black background so changing it- dont think so.

san- i totally get me and my moms will probably never resolve our issues

shi- i will be back.

goku- word veris suck. rid of them.


dawkins.david said...

Wayne just spits random unfocused lines which have no continuity..

plus lines like "black and white hair like polar", "rare like mr.clean with hair", and my favorite "no homo let them get their queer on" are so basic and's a disgrace to hip-hop.

Lgists Media said...

For real ? I don't think so